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7 Everyday Habits That Could Be Ruining Your Teeth

February 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — theoakbrookdentist @ 6:06 pm

Concerned man with bad oral health covering his mouthDo you take good care of your smile? If you brush your teeth twice a day and use floss on occasion, your answer is probably “yes.” However, despite your healthy habits, you could be putting your oral health at risk every day. Don’t let your great dental hygiene go to waste by making one of these seven common everyday mistakes.

#1 Using Your Teeth as Tools

No matter how excited you are to tear into that bag of chips, bottle of wine, or package from your mom, don’t use your teeth. While it may seem convenient at the time, you could quickly find yourself at your dentist’s office with a fractured tooth or broken dental filling.

#2 Chewing on Ice Cubes

Another common habit that can break your teeth, fillings, or dental crowns is chewing on ice. Gnawing on this hard material quickly wears down the protective shell of enamel around your teeth, which leaves them weakened and susceptible to breaking.

#3 Playing Sports Without a Mouthguard

Whether you get it over the counter or custom-made from your dentist, a mouthguard is important for active smiles of all ages. Using a mouthguard now can prevent expensive and painful dental damage later.

#4 Getting a Tongue, Lip, or Cheek Piercing

Since your mouth is teeming with bacteria, a piercing on your tongue, lip, or cheek can quickly become infected, painful, or swollen, and is constantly at risk of reinfection. Additionally, biting or playing with the piercing could injure your gums, teeth, fillings, and dental crowns.

#5 Relying on Sugary Medicine When You’re Sick

Cough syrups and throat lozenges can work wonders when treating a cold, but some of these medications are loaded with sugar. Their sticky nature allows them to coat your teeth and promote tooth decay, so try using low-sugar or sugar-free options instead.

#6 Using Too Many Whitening Products

Teeth whitening is an easy way to get a better smile, but using too many treatments too often may darken your smile instead. Some over-the-counter products may cause gum irritation and tooth sensitivity, and regularly using an abrasive whitening toothpaste can damage your teeth and even cause them to look grayish.

#7 Brushing Right After Drinking Acidic Beverages

Acidic drinks like orange juice and soda are acidic enough to soften your enamel. While it’s important to remove that harmful acid, brushing too soon afterwards could damage your softened teeth. Dental experts recommend waiting at least 30 minutes and chewing sugarless gum in the meantime.

By avoiding these seven common mistakes and everyday habits, you can lower your risk of tooth decay, damaged teeth, and oral infections. Healthy habits and great oral hygiene are key to keeping your smile happy and healthy for years to come.

About the Practice

At OakBrook Dental & Orthodontics in McKinney, TX, we believe in treating little issues before they become bigger problems. With a regular dental checkup twice a year, we can treat common oral health conditions as early as possible and even help you avoid them in the first place. Our skilled team of dentists would be happy to teach you how to get the most out of your dentalcare routine, so feel free to contact them via their website or at (469) 526-4040.

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