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Overbrushing: Too Much of a Good Thing Can Hurt Your Smile

March 11, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — theoakbrookdentist @ 9:20 pm

Concerned woman with bad brushing habits looks at her toothbrushIf you’re brushing your teeth incorrectly, you may be doing them more harm than good every day. One of the most destructive brushing habits is to use too much force when cleaning your teeth. While regularly brushing your teeth is a key part of maintaining great oral health, overbrushing may be causing it permanent damage instead. Read on to find out if you’ve been cleaning off your teeth with too much force and how to safely keep your pearly whites sparkling.

What Are the Effects of Overbrushing?

Contrary to what you might think, over-aggressive brushing doesn’t clean your teeth any better than normal brushing. Plaque is soft and sticky, which means it only requires a minimal amount of pressure to be removed. Overbrushing does however lead to enamel erosion. Sawing away at the surface of your teeth scratches off and wears down the tough, protective shell of enamel. Additionally, this bad habit can irritate and damage your gums, causing them to pull away from the teeth.

How Can I Tell If I Brush Too Hard?

Many of us don’t think twice about how we brush our teeth every day. Here are some signs of overbrushing to look out for:

  • Sensitive teeth: As the enamel erodes, the layer of dentin underneath is revealed. This material contains microscopic tubes that lead to the sensitive tooth pulp, and they become aggravated when exposed to hot or cold temperatures.
  • Teeth that seem longer: When your gums are damaged by overbrushing, they will pull away from your teeth. This is called gum recession, and it can often make your teeth appear to look longer than normal.
  • Flattened toothbrush bristles: Your toothbrush should still be in good condition after three months of use. If you notice the bristles have become frayed, squashed, or flattened before then, you may be using too much force.

What’s the Best Way to Brush My Teeth?

With a little thought and practice, you can reform your brushing habits to keep your smile healthy with tips like:

  • Use non-abrasive dental products: You should only be using toothbrushes with soft or extra-soft toothbrush bristles and non-abrasive toothpastes.
  • Invest in an electric toothbrush: An electric toothbrush can help remind you to apply less pressure, since they require minimal contact to clean your teeth and gums.
  • Hold your toothbrush with three fingers, not your fist: Holding your toothbrush with only a few fingers naturally reduces the amount of pressure you can apply while brushing.

Brushing correctly is just as important as brushing consistently. If your brushing habits have damaged your oral health, your McKinney dentist can recommend specialized products or treatments to restore your happy, healthy, and strong smile.

About the Author

At OakBrook Dental & Orthodontics in McKinney, TX, we always start with the goal of treating oral health issues before they have a chance to develop. At your regular dental checkup every six months, you’ll enjoy a welcoming office and the one-on-one attention you deserve. Our highly experienced team includes a family dentist, orthodontist, and implant dentist, so we can be ready to help you overcome any oral health issues that are standing between you and your best smile. To learn more tips for at-home oral hygiene, feel free to contact us via our website or at (469) 526-4040.

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