Repairing minor chips, stains, or gaps might seem like a cumbersome task; however, with dental bonding, the process is simple, easy, and quick. Less invasive and more affordable than custom veneers or metal-free restorations, this cosmetic solution requires only one dental visit and can last several years. But how can you be sure your results will stick around the estimated 5-7 years? Here are 4 tips to consider if you want to enjoy your new smile longer.
Maintain Regular Visits to Your Dentist’s Office
Continuing to see your cosmetic dentist every six months for dental checkups and cleanings will give your bonding a greater chance of staying firmly in place.
These visits not only allow professionals to check for many of the most common oral health problems (i.e., dental decay, gum disease, cavities, etc.), but they also help identify damage to existing restorations. Since dental bonding is a type of treatment that uses a restoration or “composite resin,” you can be sure that your dentist will check it during each visit.
If it appears to be weakening or coming off, they can discuss repairing the problem so that it continues to hold and deliver optimal results.
Try to Stay Away From Stain-Causing Foods & Beverages
It may not be easy, but if you want your dental bonding to blend in seamlessly with your natural teeth, avoid stain-causing foods and drinks. These can include coffee, soda, red wine, tomato sauce, soy sauce, tea, and even berries.
Many of these items have a dark pigment that can easily leave behind remnants on your teeth. If the bonding becomes discolored, it will become obvious to others that it is different from the rest of your smile.
Practice Good Oral Hygiene at Home
Just because composite resin is used to hide a slight imperfection does not mean it protects against cavities, decay, and other serious dental problems. You must continue to practice good oral hygiene at home if you want your teeth to remain strong and healthy. Not only will this help preserve the bonding agent used, but it will keep your smile from suffering the consequences of neglected brushing, flossing, and rinsing.
Be Mindful of Eating Hard Foods
If some of your favorite foods are chips, crackers, raw vegetables, or hard candy, you’ll need to make a change after receiving dental bonding. That is if you want to ensure your results last as long as possible.
Biting down into something hard can cause the bonding to break, leaving your imperfection(s) exposed. Also, consuming foods that are high in sugar can affect the composite resin that is used, causing it to break down over time.
Dental bonding can be a great option if you want a fast method of cosmetic treatment that doesn’t cause you to go over your budget or endure a lengthy procedure. By keeping these tips in mind, you can prepare to enjoy your new results for nearly a decade – or maybe longer if you commit to taking proper care of your improved smile.
About the Practice
OakBrook Dental & Orthodontics is led by four expert dentists who care about providing comprehensive, multi-specialty dentistry all under one roof. With a general dentist, an implant dentist, and two orthodontists (one of whom is board-certified), we are pleased to treat patients of all ages as well as families who desire healthier smiles. For those needing help to address minor tooth imperfections, we provide dental bonding – a fast and affordable cosmetic solution that can last 5-7 years on average. If you are considering this type of treatment but want to make you get the most out of your investment, visit our website or call (469) 526-4040.