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Full Mouth Reconstruction Recovery Tips that Are Dentist-Approved

December 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — theoakbrookdentist @ 7:21 pm
Woman relaxing on a hammock after full mouth reconstruction

Depending on what’s included in your plan, a full mouth reconstruction can be fairly intensive. You’ll likely want to have some time to yourself to rest, relax, and take care of your smile. So it’d probably be nice to have some aftercare tips!

Look no further than this post – below you’ll find a list of dentist-approved full mouth reconstruction recovery tips. Feel free to read them at your leisure!


Wait, My Tooth Doesn’t Hurt – Do I Really Need an Extraction?

November 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — theoakbrookdentist @ 12:32 am
Woman shrugging her shoulders in confusion

Normally, when your body hurts, you know to rest or maybe even apply a cold compress. And when it doesn’t hurt, nothing’s wrong – it’s as simple as that! So why do you need a tooth extraction if you don’t have any dental pain? Doesn’t that mean your tooth is fine?

Actually, the existence or absence of pain isn’t really a good way to tell whether you need oral care or not. Keep reading to learn why your tooth could still be in trouble!


Can I Drink Coffee After a Tooth Extraction?

October 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — theoakbrookdentist @ 4:39 pm
A cup of coffee.

If you’re a coffee fan but scheduled to have a tooth removed, you may be wondering how soon you can get back to your daily cup (or cups!) of joe. The truth is, when you have an extraction, you do need to temporarily hold off on the java for a few important reasons. Here’s why you should take a break from your daily “grind” and when it’s okay to indulge again.


What Could Cause a Dental Bridge to Fail?

September 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — theoakbrookdentist @ 7:21 pm

Model of traditional fixed dental bridgeA dental bridge is an effective solution to replace one or more lost teeth in a row. Dental bridges have been used for generations because they offer long-lasting results. However, your new teeth won’t last forever. Eventually, your bridge will need to be replaced. Here’s how to avoid the most common causes of dental bridge failure to ensure your restoration lasts for 10 years or more.


Root Canal Ready: What Happens After?

August 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — theoakbrookdentist @ 3:31 pm
Illustration of a couple of teeth in a white base with one cross-sectioned to show colorful roots

Many people experience anxiety around dental visits, especially if they have a major procedure coming up, like a root canal. If you’re worried that the treatment will be long and agonizing, you might procrastinate scheduling your appointment, allowing the infection in your tooth to worsen.

It might ease your mind to know that this surgery typically alleviates more pain than it causes. However, following your dentist’s post-op instructions in detail is essential to ensure that you recover as quickly as possible without developing unwanted complications. With that in mind, continue reading to learn 3 tips to help you heal from your root canal!


Snacks to Avoid if You’re Concerned About Chipping Teeth

July 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — theoakbrookdentist @ 2:30 pm
Bowl of popcorn overflowing onto a wooden floor

Crunchy, chewy snacks can be satisfying. Sometimes you just have a craving for a specific texture! But if you’re worried about chipping or cracking your teeth, that’s typically the type of foods you’ll want to avoid. This list of particularly damaging delights will give you a better idea of what to watch out for so you can dodge a dental emergency!


Uncharted Territory: Dental Emergencies During Summer Vacation

June 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — theoakbrookdentist @ 10:23 pm
Family standing on beach with their suitcases, raising their arms

You’ve come a long way to enjoy your summer vacation. Not just physically – a lot of mental stress has built up to this trip. Everyone needs a break from time to time, which is why you shouldn’t let something like a dental emergency take over. But when someone loses a tooth or complains about oral aches, your first reaction might be to panic.

This is fair, especially since you’re in an unfamiliar location. Keep reading so you’ll know what to do if someone’s pearly white is in jeopardy.


What to Pack in Your Dental Emergency Kit

May 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — theoakbrookdentist @ 7:06 pm
two toothbrushes on leaf

Even with great oral health, dental emergencies can happen unexpectedly. Whether playing sports or biting into something hard, a broken tooth or mouth injury can turn a pleasant day into a stressful situation. Being ready with the right tools can ease your concerns if this occurs. Keep reading to find out what you should include in your dental emergency kit.


What Happens if I Have a Dental Emergency When I’m Overseas?

April 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — theoakbrookdentist @ 8:22 pm
Lady is frightened

While it’s impossible to predict when you will have a dental emergency, being prepared beforehand can make all the difference in your outcome. Many people regularly travel overseas for business, but few of them think to make arrangements for a dental crisis in case they have one while abroad. Here’s how you can be prepared for a dental emergency while away from home if you’re visiting the United States for business purposes.


How Old Is Too Old for Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

March 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — theoakbrookdentist @ 7:05 pm
Man has tooth pain

The wisdom teeth typically emerge between the ages of seventeen and twenty-five. These third molars are quite large, and modern humans often do not have enough room to accommodate them. This can make the emergence of the wisdom teeth quite painful, and leaving them in in these cases can lead to infections as well as misalignment of the bite. While they are usually removed in the late teens or early twenties, they can be extracted at any stage of a patient’s life. Here’s a brief guide to wisdom tooth removal for those who have waited a while before deciding on extraction.

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