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Emergency Dentist— McKinney, TX

Here For You During Your Most Stressful Moments

Are you or a loved one experiencing a serious dental emergency? Maybe your son tripped down the stairs and cracked a tooth, or maybe oral discomfort has turned into severe, distracting pain. At OakBrook Dental & Orthodontics, our dentists know how important it is to find relief in these panic-inducing situations. That’s why we make time to see you and your family as soon as possible. In fact, we strive to see you on the same day as your call! All you have to do is contact us for emergency dentistry here in McKinney.

Why OakBrook Dental and Orthodontics for Emergency Dentistry?

  • Same-Day Emergency Appointments
  • Evening & Weekend Availability
  • Dental Insurance Welcome & Flexible Financing Available


How We Treat Dental Emergencies

Person holding jaw in pain before emergency dentistry

It can be difficult to think clearly during a stressful dental emergency. Fortunately, the only step you need to take for help is to contact our dental office as soon as possible. You can then expect these four things from your emergency visit with us:


  • A Same-Day Visit – Once you call us, we’ll schedule you for the earliest possible appointment. It’s even likely that we’ll see you the very same day. Otherwise, our dental team can also provide first-aid tips over the phone while you wait.
  • An Emergency Exam – You’ll first undergo an oral exam when you arrive for care. Through this step, our dentists can learn the source of your issue. The process also helps us decide how to relieve your pain.
  • A Findings Review – Our dental team will review their findings with you after the exam. They’ll suggest some suitable procedures at that time. Using your feedback, our office will then draft a custom treatment plan. We’ll also explain any estimated costs and timetables before you commit.
  • Crucial Dental Care –  Lastly, we’ll quickly address your dental issue and repair your smile. You can trust our team to deliver quality results. Whether you need a dental crown, a filling, a root canal, or something else, we’ll get your grin back on track!


The Most Common Dental Emergencies

You’ll ideally never have a dental emergency, but these problems can happen to anyone. It’s best that you know what to do about them ahead of time. That way, you can act quickly and correctly when it matters most. Thankfully, we can help you understand how to handle common dental emergencies in McKinney. Listed below are a few examples of these urgent oral issues and great ways to manage them. Just find the relevant details by clocking the associated icon!

Understanding the Cost of Emergency Dentistry

Person smiling after emergency dentistry

Depending on your problem’s type and severity, a dental emergency's cost largely varies. Still, we at OakBrook Dental & Orthodontics always make treatment as easy as possible to grasp. That fact especially applies when it’s time to pay for care. So, we’ll break down the cost of your dental emergency as we solidify your treatment plan. Our team will also review your potential insurance benefits, ensuring your plan fits within your budget. Please keep reading for more details, or call our office soon.

Learn More About the Cost of Dental Emergencies

Every Dental Emergency is Different

A dentist folding her arms and smiling during emergency dentistry visit

When you visit a dentist for an emergency, you’ll find that the visit is relatively affordable. Our team will start by examining your needs and figuring out what treatment you require to get you feeling normal again. The only way to know for sure how much you’ll need to pay is by completing a detailed exam of the problem at hand. With that said, the most common solutions to your dental emergency may include the following:


  • Root canal therapy
  • Tooth extractions
  • Dental crowns
  • and other services!


No matter what we determine, we’ll also explain our findings in great detail so you understand why we recommend a specific treatment plan. You’ll also be told what your costs will be ahead of time so you aren’t caught by surprise.


Does Dental Insurance Cover Dental Emergencies?

A dental insurance form, glasses, and X-ray on a table

In most cases, dental insurance will offer partial coverage for your dental emergency. For example, you may notice that you can complete one emergency exam a year. Specific services designed to treat dental emergencies, such as extractions and root canal therapy, can receive anywhere between 50% and 80% coverage in many cases. Keep in mind that your plan is likely to vary from someone else’s. Confirm your yearly maximum with your insurance provider as well before you commit to treatment to avoid penalties.


Other Options for Making Dental Emergencies Affordable

A woman flossing to prevent dental emergencies

Do you lack dental insurance at this time? You still have multiple options to cover the cost of your dental emergency. For example, we offer third-party financing through CareCredit. Not only can you expect low-to-zero interest payment plans, but you can easily qualify with help from our dental office. Additionally, you can take advantage of our in-house payment plan, which allows for payment for dental treatments to be completed over the span of up to 24 months!


When a dental emergency strikes, don’t force yourself to handle it alone. Instead, give our dental office a call and we’ll get your dental emergency treated and your budget planned out.


How Caring for Your Smile Saves You Money

A patient speaking with a front desk employee while paying for emergency dentistry

Dental emergencies can happen when you least expect them, but they most often occur due to a dental infection that was left unaddressed or forced trauma suffered from a bad fall or sporting injury. When you maintain a routine dental checkup and brush and floss every day at home, you can prevent the majority of dental emergencies and save hundreds (and even thousands) of dollars a year!


Furthermore, the moment you notice something is wrong, whether it be dental pain, swollen gums or a damaged tooth, call us! The sooner you get in touch, the less money you’ll likely need to pay compared to waiting. For example, your damaged tooth may only need a root canal to be treated. This is substantially better than waiting and needing an extraction (and dental implant) later!

How to Prevent Dental Emergencies

Dental patient checking smile in the mirror after emergency dentistry

How can you avoid dental emergencies? There are some situations – such as sudden accidents – that you can’t really plan for, but on the other hand there are many dental issues that can be avoided altogether simply by practicing good oral hygiene and avoiding bad oral habits that can harm the teeth and gums. Below are some examples of ways you can reduce your risk of a dental emergency; you can ask us for additional tips during your next appointment.

Learn More About the Keys to Preventing Dental Emergencies

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Female patient visiting emergency dentist to prevent dental emergencies

Making time to see your dentist every six months can make it less likely that you’ll need to make an emergency appointment in the future. We can remove plaque, tartar, and other harmful substances before they lead to cavities and gum disease. Furthermore, we can check for warning signs of potential dental emergencies and intervene before any permanent damage is done. Being proactive about your dental health by seeking regular preventive care can save you time, money, and trouble in the long run.


Maintain Good Oral Hygiene at Home

Closeup of putting toothpaste on toothbrush

Of course, even if you’re seeing your dentist on a regular basis, you still need to brush and floss every day to ward off oral health problems. If you don’t maintain a good oral hygiene routine, the gradual buildup of harmful bacteria can eventually take its toll and lead to accelerated enamel deterioration or oral infections. To avoid permanent damage, make sure that you’re brushing your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day. Pay close attention to the gum line, the backs of your teeth, and other spots that can be easily overlooked.


Watch What You Eat

Red delicious apple with leaf on stem

You are what you eat – and your smile is very much included in that. Eating foods that are high in sugars or carbohydrates can lead to an increased risk of cavities, so it’s best to cut down on these substances as much as possible. Instead, try eating more fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition to containing nutrients that contribute to healthy gums, they can also help clear plaque and bacteria from your mouth, thus helping you maintain a healthier oral environment. 


Wear a Mouthguard

Pair of athletic mouthguards on a see-through table

Most people get mouthguards for one of two reasons: either to protect their teeth while playing sports or to minimize the damage they do to their teeth at night due to bruxism. Athletic mouthguards are indispensable when it comes to keeping the teeth and gums safe if you suffer a blow to the mouth or face.  Bruxism mouthguards keep the upper and lower teeth separate so that they don’t wear each other down when you unconsciously clench or grind while you’re asleep.


Use Tools, Not Teeth to Open Packages

Closeup of package on a wooden table

Tearing open a package with your teeth can seem like a time-saver, but in the long run it might actually lead to a dental emergency. Using your teeth improperly can weaken your enamel, leaving it more vulnerable to decay and increasing the risk of a fracture. Taking the time to find some scissors or an appropriate tool is generally the best decision for keeping your smile as safe as possible.

Dental Emergency FAQs

You might think that an urgent dental situation like the ones described above could never happen to you, but unfortunately, one out of every six Americans will be faced with an unexpected dental emergency every year. You don’t want to be caught off guard should this happen to you. That’s why your dentist in McKinney has answered some of our most frequently asked questions about emergency dentistry. For the answers to any emergency questions that you don’t see laid out on this page, just contact us and ask!

My Toothache Went Away. Do I Still Need to See an Emergency Dentist?

Absolutely! Many people mistakenly believe that a minor toothache is nothing to worry about. However, a good rule of thumb to keep in mind is that healthy teeth generally don’t hurt. Even if your discomfort subsides, that’s not a good sign. If your toothache was due to an infection inside the tooth, this could mean that your tooth’s nerve has been damaged to the extent that it doesn’t send pain signals to the brain anymore. At this point, you should see us for prompt treatment. The sooner you visit our dental office, the more likely it will be that we can save your tooth from having to be extracted.


Will Dental Insurance Cover the Cost of Emergency Care?

There are multiple factors that might affect the answer to this question, such as the type of emergency you’re suffering from and what kind of restorative treatment you’ll require. If all you need is a prescription of antibiotics, your insurance is much more likely to cover the full cost of that compared to more extensive treatments like a tooth extraction and replacement. Don’t worry; our team is more than happy to work with your insurance company to maximize your benefits in whatever way we can.


What If I Have a Dental Emergency While I’m Out of Town?

Nothing ruins a vacation quite like a sudden dental problem. Remain calm to the best of your ability. Look for a dentist in the area who will get you out of pain and treat the immediate problem. Then, give us a call and book an appointment for when you get back in town. From there, we can take a look and determine whether you need any additional treatment.


What Should I Do If My Child Knocks Out a Baby Tooth?

Unlike with a knocked-out adult tooth, don’t try to place the dislodged baby tooth back in the socket. Doing so could actually end up damaging the permanent tooth underneath the gumline. Instead, give our dental office a call and bring your child in for an appointment as soon as you can. We may not do very much if the tooth was close to falling out naturally. If the tooth came out too prematurely, then we might place a space maintainer to prevent the surrounding teeth from drifting into the gap until the permanent tooth is ready to erupt.