Sedation Dentistry – McKinney, TX
Help Nervous Patients Feel Rigth at Home
At OakBrook Dental &
Orthodontics, helping patients feel relaxed and right at home is an essential part of our approach. That’s
why we provide a comfortable dental office setting, friendly team members, a kid-friendly area with video games
and movies, and much more. However, our doctors understand that even these
efforts aren’t always enough to cure feelings of fear and anxiety. If you suffer from dental phobia,
please let us know so that we can address the problem with sedation dentistry at your next visit. Sedation
dentistry in McKinney, TX does a good job of lessening those frustrating emotions and helping you (or your
child) achieve a genuine sense of calm throughout the treatment process.
Has it been too long since your last checkup? Trust in our team to help you through the process smoothly. Please contact our McKinney dental office today if you’d like to learn more, or if you’re ready to schedule the first appointment.
Oral Conscious Dental Sedation
As the name suggests, oral conscious sedation features the use of oral medication that is prescribed by our dental team. The patient will be directed to take it at a certain time before their first appointment. As a result, they should enter a deep state of relaxation without completely falling asleep. When choosing oral conscious sedation, make sure to arrange for an escort to bring you both to and from our McKinney location.
What is Oral Conscious Sedation?

Oral conscious sedation is generally recommended for adults who have anxiety, fear, or something else that makes them feel uncomfortable in the dental treatment chair. There are no needles or face masks involved. Instead, your dentist will simply prescribe you a small pill to take about an hour before your appointment. By the time you get to the dental office, you will already feel perfectly relaxed.
How Does Oral Conscious Sedation Work?

Once the effects kick in, you will feel deeply relaxed. Some patients don’t even remember their treatment afterward. However, you will remain conscious throughout the duration of your treatment, so you will still be able to answer questions and respond to the instructions your dental team gives. You. We will monitor you throughout the entire treatment to make sure you are comfortable and safe. Unlike nitrous oxide sedation (laughing gas), these effects are long-lasting, so you will need to arrange for a trusted friend or family member to take you to and from your appointment.
Are You a Good Candidate for Oral Conscious Sedation?

Oral conscious sedation is a popular option. You may benefit from it if you:
- Have dental fear, anxiety, or nervousness
- Regularly cancel appointments due to fear of bad news
- Have a sensitive gag reflex
- Are receiving multiple treatments
- Have a long dental treatment
- Have difficulty sitting still in the treatment chair
- Struggle to become numb with anesthesia
- Have had negative dental experiences in the past
Nitrous Oxide Sedation
You may know nitrous oxide by another name: laughing gas. This mild sedative has been used for decades, and it’s helped countless patients get the essential dental care they need in a pain-free, anxiety-free, and stress-free way. If you’re interested in learning more about how nitrous oxide works and if you’re a candidate, you’re more than welcome to schedule an appointment with our McKinney dental team. Or, you can continue your research right here!
Who is a Good Candidate for Nitrous Oxide?

Nitrous oxide has been tested and researched extensively over the last several decades, and it’s completely safe for children and adults alike. During your first appointment, we will learn more about your medical history, dental history, medications, and allergies to determine if you’re a candidate for this calming solution as well. Generally speaking, however, it’s suitable for patients who have a fear of needles, have trouble staying comfortable in the treatment chair, need extensive dental care, or struggle with dental-related anxiety.
How Does Nitrous Oxide Work?

If we determine that you’re a candidate for nitrous oxide, then we will add it to your treatment plan. On the day of your appointment, we will help you get comfortably settled into the treatment chair and gently place a mask over your nose. Then, we will switch on the nitrous oxide, and you’ll start breathing in the colorless, odorless gas. After a few minutes, you’ll feel noticeably calmer, allowing you to completely relax. At this point, we will confirm that you’re ready to begin, and we’ll administer the preventive, restorative, or cosmetic dental care you need. Since you won’t be asleep, you can ask any questions you have throughout the process, and you will be able to respond to the verbal cues we give you with ease.
Aftercare for Nitrous Oxide

When the procedure is over, we will switch off the nitrous oxide. The effects will dissipate as quickly as they came on, so it won’t be long until we remove the mask and you’re on your way. In fact, you’ll even be able to drive yourself home and return to your regular routine! Of course, if you received more than just a routine cleaning, like root canal treatment, we will also provide you with aftercare instructions so you heal comfortably as well.
IV Sedation
To help patients who are suffering from moderate or severe dental anxiety, there is IV sedation in McKinney. Unlike nitrous oxide or oral conscious sedation methods, the use of an IV ensures the medication is delivered to the bloodstream immediately, causing it to take effect quickly. When using this type of sedation, we can ensure all patients remain safe, comfortable, and completely at ease, as members of our dental team will monitor all vital signs throughout treatment.
What is IV Sedation?

IV sedation in McKinney is the strongest type of conscious sedation that our team offers, helping patients achieve a sort of “twilight sleep.” This means that while you’re technically conscious enough to respond to our team’s commands, it’s likely that you won’t remember much of anything about the experience once you’ve recovered.
The medication is delivered intravenously, which allows our team to adjust the dosage as needed to ensure the patient’s complete safety and comfort. Like with oral conscious sedation, you will need someone to transport you and watch over you until the sedation wears off.
Who is a Good Candidate for IV Sedation?

Before moving forward with any form of sedation dentistry, it is necessary that you meet with a sedation dentist in McKinney. It is during this visit that we will go over your medical history as well as any medications you’re currently taking. It’s important that we have the information, as there could be complications that occur if IV sedation is taken with certain medications.
Most patients will benefit from this type of treatment, especially if you suffer from:
- A sensitive or strong gag reflex
- Intense dental anxiety that keeps you from visiting the dentist’s office
- Serious dental problems that require multiple procedures
- The inability to become numb with other forms of sedation
The Benefits of IV Sedation

Using IV sedation has its benefits. Although you may not be a fan of needles, the reality is that this method of care will put you in a calming and relaxed state while visiting the dentist. Not only will it allow you to remain at ease during your visit, but you’ll finally be able to receive the dental care you need and deserve.
Some additional benefits that come with IV sedation include:
- The inability to remember much from your appointment
- Fast-acting medication that helps you become relaxed quicker
- The ability to embrace optimal oral health year after year
- Being monitored by qualified staff who are watching your vitals while you receive IV sedation
Sedation Dentistry FAQs
Maybe you’re considering sedation dentistry for your next treatment. After all, the service could help your dental work go smoothly and comfortably! That said, you should probably learn some essentials about it first. Doing so will confirm whether sedation is your best option. Luckily, Oakbrook Dental & Orthodontics is here for you: listed below are the answers to some oft-asked dental sedative questions. Please read them to learn what to expect from a sedation dentist in McKinney. If necessary, you can also call us for additional details.
If you’ve been too afraid to get needed dental work, you’re probably an excellent dental sedation candidate. A dental sedative would calm your mind, making treatment free of fear.
Still, dental anxiety isn’t the only reason to undergo sedation. You could also stand to benefit if you suffer from the following:
- Low pain tolerance
- Sensitive gag reflex
- Difficulty with sitting still
- Medical issues worsened by stress
At the same time, some people don’t make good candidates. Patients who’re pregnant, dealing with certain health problems, or taking specific medications are some examples. As such, have your dentist review your medical history beforehand to see if sedation works for you.
You might worry a dental sedative could be harmful. However, there’s no reason to do so – sedation dentistry is perfectly safe and effective.
You see, dental practices take every precaution when sedating you. Before treatment even starts, they’ll review your medical history to confirm if a sedative might cause adverse effects. A dentist and their team will also monitor your vitals – blood pressure, oxygen levels, heart rate, etc. – at all times. That way, they can ensure nothing goes wrong.
Furthermore, dental sedatives don’t cause any enduring changes. At the very most, they might leave you a little nauseous afterward. Even then, though, such sickness fades quickly.
Ultimately, how long sedation lasts will depend on the type you receive. Some kinds have more lasting results than others.
For instance, take nitrous oxide sedation. After you’ve stopped inhaling the gas, its effects should wear off in mere minutes. You’ll then be well enough to drive home or work without lingering drowsiness.
On the other hand, oral conscious sedation can cause wooziness for the rest of the day. Therefore, don’t drive or operate heavy machinery for 24 hours after receiving it. You might have an accident otherwise.
With IV sedation, much of the sedative’s effect wears off right after your procedure. Even so, you may feel groggy for several hours afterward. You should thus have someone drive you home following treatment.
Dental sedation usually leaves you awake, regardless of type. Despite that fact, though, you likely won’t remember much of your procedure. A sedative’s ability to relax you also (temporarily) reduces your ability to form new memories. This truth especially applies to IV sedation, which is likelier to make you forget a procedure than other kinds.
Perhaps surprisingly, sedation’s memory loss effect can make dental care easier. Those with extreme anxiety or negative dental experiences, in particular, will find a procedure much smoother.
IV sedation is a kind of anesthesia that’s administered to patients intravenously. During your initial consultation, your dentist will determine if you’re eligible for this form of sedation and walk you through what you should expect from your procedure. On the day of your treatment, before we begin any work, a qualified professional will administer the IV sedative and give you time to start experiencing the effects. Fortunately, it should only take a few moments for you to feel completely relaxed.
Our team will give you specific instructions on how to get ready for IV sedation before showing up to your appointment. Some of the most common things you should do are to avoid eating and drinking anything for a few hours ahead of your scheduled procedure. We’ll also need to discuss your medical history and any medications you’re currently taking before your visit, that way we avoid any complications during your treatment. If you do have medications that you take daily, you can typically have them with water. Be sure to rest plenty before arriving at your appointment.
After you’ve undergone your dental procedure, you might expect it to take about 30 minutes for the sedative to wear off. You may experience disorientation and/or grogginess, as it can often feel like you’ve woken up from deep sleep. For this reason, you’ll need to have a friend or family member take you to and from your appointment. If you start feeling nauseous at any point, your dentist can prescribe medicine to alleviate your symptoms. Make sure not to participate in strenuous activities for a few days and get plenty of rest.
IV sedation is one of the most customizable types of sedation options. With this form of dentistry, you’ll be able to feel completely relaxed throughout your treatment process, and you typically won’t feel any pain during a procedure. Though you’ll technically still be conscious, most patients report feeling like they were asleep the entire visit! IV sedation is also beneficial for those who have difficulty sitting still, are fearful/anxious about dental work, or have a sensitive gag reflex.
While there is a risk of nausea during IV sedation, this is mostly a problem if you’ve eaten a meal immediately before arriving at your appointment. For this reason, we’ll instruct you to fast for several hours ahead of your procedure, that way your chance of feeling sick during your visit is much lower. If you have difficulty skipping meals, we may even recommend having your treatment performed first thing in the morning. If you tend to naturally feel nauseous, we might be able to prescribe you anti-nausea medication to help.